Thursday, April 25, 2013

Biggie Thinks Deep Suburban Thoughts - A Study

just found this photo of biggie that i took some time back when the snow started to fall in an october.

That guy is totally failing at parallel parking. Ha! It's a girl. Damn, I would hit that. I should go down there and offer her my services. Ha, nice one, self.

Daphne wants me to pick up toilet paper. How the hell did I marry someone named Daphne? And how are the kids named Josh and Diana? We're Jewish, for Christ's sake. Fuck. Did Josh just eat a leaf out there? He definitely ate a leaf. Oh for fuck's sake, he's throwing up. DAPHNE! JOSH ATE ANOTHER LEAF! 

The snare cuts in on the off-beats, a slice of ice, and that's what really lights you up. Kenny Clarke really did us a service. Sure symmetry is beauty, but it's so automatic; it's mindless. It relaxes you, puts you to bed, Santayana's sleeping beauty, I'm sayin. Bebop though, that'll wake you up. That'll make you pay attention. Things you do--sex and laughter and liquor and living, man. That's what the snare does; it makes you think yourself awake. Descartes and Dizzy, my man--that's what this is all about. 

Winter is coming.