Sunday, February 26, 2012

law school blows

i'm considering becoming a doctor/mathematician/physicist. or maybe i could be like lewis carroll, a mathematician with a propensity for the pen. or dali, drawing dodecahedrons of the last supper. or caravaggio, neoclassical renaissance ridic dramz baroque etc etc etc i hate law school so much. here are pictures of emo tree branches, in progression.

this is what most humans get out of pictures with trees:
yay nature has colors and warmth!

Is that a lone branch?
Against rigid, grey patterns?
Haiku that bitch up!

The Darkness rises. . .

view of nat'l cathedral and setting of the sun from my house.

more trees on mauve and purple

downtown abbey.

darkness wins the battle against the sun every day.

the following five shots = attempt to control hate.
1. Earthquake

2. Tremors

3. Anxiety

4. Deep breaths

5. Not worth it.

The computer is doing a stupid thing where it's not saving my re-orientation of these pictures, which is knocking the narrative here. below, imagine the image rotated 90 degrees. then imagine the ebola virus taking over the sky. thank you.

ebola virus eats the sky.

Below is what that tree looked like before my rage made me see everything in red and use photomanager to make it so. (Note: i manipulated the coloring for the ebola sky photograph; everything else is as the camera took the pic.) Please imagine this image rotated 90 degrees to the right. Also, I hate the world.

this tree has a miniature sun in its vajayjay.

this tree looks like an intricate bruise on the night sky. like a bunch of tiny japenese people punched the sky with their tiny powerful fists with exact aim for centuries until the bruises stopped fading.

rotate this bad boy 90 degrees and you will have a photograph of nature looking tawdry. like when tiffany's made those gross charm bracelets of "silver" aka tin all the rage. thanks nature.


dark mediocre blur. sounds familiar.

intricate, befuddling ladder to success aka inescapable web of failure.

this one is just looks like a fungus and unfriendly. like law school. god i hate law school.

this tree looks fake. the sky might be fake too. just like a fulfilling career practicing law.

ominous emo branch reminds me of something.

the humor was dark today, if present at all. as were the pictures. but twas cathartic. and i really like my last picture. and it makes me laugh when compared to my first picture.


Monday, February 6, 2012

property law

i'm in property class right now. instead of taking notes, i messed with photoshop express. photoshop is effing crazy.

boring failure photograph.

super-intense color vomit epilepsy photograph.
technology makes me so nervous.

back to prior use/unified parcel/easement by prescription or estoppel. the bearded man in our class has not spoken for some days. this also makes me nervous.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

my first blog entry

this is my first blog entry. the pressure is high.

i set up this blog to post my photographs so that i can look at them when i'm bored at work or in class. if the photographs are pretty enough, and have accumulated appreciably enough over a long enough span, i will copy and paste this link to friends and acquaintances to avoid the inevitably uncomfortable situation of physically approaching them to show them a photograph on my camera.

i have had the camera for 1.5 months now.  i have taken 23 pictures in one day. this hobby takes some warming up. i did not post all 23 pictures, since some sucked.

for what it's worth, animas is a play on animus, which is a jungian archetype thing, which i know because i like to read esoterically.

okay here i go.

my first picture on my first camera on my first trip to rock creek park. i think it's actually quite pretty. and sparkly.

i can't make this shit up. dr seuss is alive and well. at least, his tree thing 1 and tree thing 2 are.

see above.

the trick i did here is that it's actually quite bright out. my camera has an "increase creepiness" lighting option.

nature has an "increase creepiness" vine option.



god in landscape layout?

love this one. might make it the background theme of my blog maybe.

i made a river look like sewer water. but the leaves at the bottom came out pretty interestingly.

river's pubic hair needs maintenance. (sorry.)

:D this looks like the background of a picture frame!! :D

tilt to 82 degrees and this is not crooked. you're crooked.


less saturation

this looked amazing in person. like a river of light flowing down through the grass. i'm working on making the camera see what my face sees.


the leaves were so bright against the grey of everything else. really hard to capture though. zooming in might help, i thought.

hm. not quite. maybe there are other buttons to press?

eh. sorta. i need to get photoshop. or basic skills.

nothing. - on my way to get a sandwich.

if you are still looking at this, thank you. please don't try to find me. i'm terrified of the internet and of all of you, and i'm not that stable myself.
